Mind’s Eye Author Eden Baylee – @edenbaylee


Eden Baylee 

Eden Baylee left a twenty-year banking career to become a full-time writer. She incorporates many of her favorite things into her writing such as: travel; humor; music; poetry; art; and much more.

Stranger at Sunset is her first mystery novel, on the heels of several books of erotic anthologies and short stories. She writes in multiple genres.

An introvert by nature and an extrovert by design, Eden is most comfortable at home with her laptop surrounded by books. She is an online Scrabble junkie and a social media enthusiast, but she really needs to get out more often!

What genre do you write?

Hi Helle, thanks so much for having me on your great blog!

I write in multiple genres. I started with erotica and erotic/romance when I became a full-time writer five years ago. I have also written many short stories that straddle all genres—thriller, romance, and mystery. In 2014, I released a psychological suspense novel called Stranger at Sunset. It will be the first of a trilogy, so I’ll be continuing in this genre.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

I’d have to say no. Many authors say they’ve known all their lives they wanted to write, but that wasn’t the case for me.  Informally, I’ve been writing since my mid-teens, but it took a long time before I decided to make it a career. Initially, writing was a way of nurturing my fantasy life and my love of reading.

Over time, it evolved, and now I really love to tell a good story.

Tell me 3 things about yourself that your readers don’t know.

Tough one, considering I’ve bared my soul in numerous interviews and my life is an open book!

1) I just wrote a novella about Hawaii and now I must go there.

2) I appreciate beautiful body art but would never get a tattoo myself.

3) I named my external hard drive “Goddess.”

And maybe you all could tell me a bit about your stories.

My first story “Last Call” was based upon one of your photos, Helle, an uplifting scene of blue sky with a feathery sweep of clouds. I found the picture quite cheerful, but on the day I was writing the story, I was not in a cheerful mood. Given that, I twisted the image in my mind and created an ominous, mysterious tale about a woman who pursues sobriety. What happens to her is quite dark.

In my second story, inspired by Martin David Porter’s photograph, there are many elements in the picture. Unlike your photo that conjured a mood, I picked the one feature of Martin’s photograph that I could build my story around—swans, and that is why the story is called “Swans.”  It’s about a young girl and her unique relationship with her parents. The story pays homage to Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Ugly Duckling.”

Many thanks for the interview, Helle!


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Author Links

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23 comments on “Mind’s Eye Author Eden Baylee – @edenbaylee

  1. I’m like you about tats Eden, my daughter has two, me and hubby, none. I’ve been to Hawaii, loved it! Great interview ladies, I must read your book about Hawaii Eden, can’t wait for this release, so many awesome authors, photographers😊📖📖📖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kim, thank you so much for your comment. It’s funny about tattoos. It’s rare to find someone WITHOUT them these days. Appreciate your reading the interview, and thank you for your support. Triptychs is a gem with excellent writers, and I’m looking forward to seeing it out.

      Thanks again for coming by Helle’s blog,


      Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Mind’s Eye Author Eden Baylee – @edenbaylee | Purplerose123's Blog

  3. Pingback: I am interviewed by poet and photographer @Helle_Gade |

  4. Great interview, Eden & Helle. Eden, you know I’m a BIG fan of you and your writing. Loved learning more about you. I feel the exact same way about tattoos. 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

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