Author Samantha Rose #interview #authorversary

Please give a warm welcome to Samantha Rose and congratulate her on her 1 year Authorversary

Tell us a bit about yourself

I’m a mom of two boys a handful of cats and some fish.
I’m your regular everyday person, well sort of. My friends and family think of me as the crazy cat lady.
I’m originally from NS, Canada but moved to the USA in 2011, got hitched, had kids and started the proto because a citizen.



Have you always wanted to become an author?

No. I went through a stage of wanting to be different things. I think I wanted to be a Veterinarian before I wanted to write.
I didn’t start wanting to become an author until my imagination became overloaded with wild crazy thoughts.
I was reading book after book, I consumed them like food. I couldn’t get enough. That’s when I decided to try my luck.



What was your inspiration for your current book/series?

Villains. I love bad boys/girls and Disney is my favorite. Like many others before me, there is a deep love for the villains that never get a story of their own. So why not write one for them, instead of killing or chasing them off, give them the happy ending they deserve.



What are you working on now?I’m currently finishing my villain story in the Mischief Matchmakers series. Only a few more Chapters to go!!

Do you have any quirks while writing?

I’m not really sure to be honest? I usually always an oddball.



What are your hopes for the future?

That people will continue to find joy in my books and to help my author friends when they need it.



What have you learned in your first year as an published author?

Being an author is hard. Lol.. Not going to lie, some days I struggle and I can go days without writing a single word when it’s just not flowing.
I started off thinking this would be a part time gig and it ended up being full time. Between running my author pages and writing, it takes up most of the free time I have when my kids are in school or asleep.
Then there are all the steps to writing a book and publishing that I learned as I went along.
I’m still learn new things everyday!! It’s never boring that’s for sure.


Do you have any advice for new authors about the publishing world?

Never give up! This is a learning experience and even if you fail the first time (I did!!) just keep trying and you’ll get better! You’re not going to know everything day one in, and that’s okay but that doesn’t mean you can’t write a book. Believe in yourself. Your mind can do wonderous things.


Do you have anything to say to your readers?

Thank you for sticking by me and reading my books! I didn’t think people would buy my stuff, you gave me hope and because of you guys I write and my drama stays alive.

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Samantha Rose’s Skye Clan

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Author Samantha Rose